Friday, March 12, 2010

Photo shoot and a little bit more

Okay, so it seems often that time goes by and we don't take pics, and then there are those times where all I do is take pics. Okay, so we are in the middle of one of the times where I am picture happy. Here is a bit of what I captured this week.

Most of these pics are from Wed before her OT therapy. She did better than she did last week, so that is good. We were downstairs playing with some new toys...a Little People lego-type of set. We figured she needed something new to play with and well, it doesn't hurt to pull out a new toy when unfamiliar people are over. Susie (therapist) was talking to Kylie and trying to interact with her and Kylie was doing fairly well. Then there was that moment where she realized..."wait a minute, why am I playing with this new person" and retreated back to me (I was only a few inches away) and started to cry. It was sad to see how much the situation upset her, and that something like that makes her uncomfortable.

Even though she was not the most social for her therapy, she was definitely the happy and social butterfly later that evening when we went out to eat. She waved at every single person that walked by us. It did not matter if she already waved to the same server 10 times, she still waved each and every time they walked by her. It was so sweet and definitely made us feel better about things.

She wasn't making this face when I snapped the picture, so it was a bonus shot I guess. It's pretty cute either way.

Like a second after I took this one she flipped her shirt up and was playing with her belly.

If you haven't read it before, you can sure tell by the pics I take that I love the profile shots best.

I also learned later that afternoon that us telling Kylie "no" triggers the odd head movements that we don't like to see. We were told that stress, fatigue, frustration and things like that are often associated with the stereotypies, but not always. We never saw any connecting factors before, but it looks like we are seeing one now.

Kinda sad because the other day we said no for something and she was by the couch and lost her balance and fell into the couch and then fell down...just makes you worry, and then thankful that nothing was near her to cause her to hurt herself when she went down.

Back to more pics :)

The rest of these pics were taken on Friday.

I just love this one! Those eyes are so sweet and those cheeks and pouty lips...what a doll!

Can I tell you all some more about how smart Kylie is? For one thing she can not get enough of the Signing Time dvds, so we are watching them all the time. She will now sit there for a little while longer and watch them and try to do the's like she is really studying them!

Just yesterday she did the sign for hungry, and she can also do bear, stop, go, wash hands, walk, train, horse, all done, baby, cracker, banana. Granted she does not use them all the time...for instance, she will sometimes do them when she is looking at pictures of them in her books, or when she is watching the Signing Time dvds.

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