Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Get on Board with Team Kylie!

Hey all, for those of you that have been following the blog for some time now, you have come to know that Kylie has recently enrolled at the Lee Ann Britain Infant Development Center.

*This pic was taken on the last day of class at the Britain Center for their end of Summer Celebration

The Lee Ann Britain Center is currently raising money for their scholarship program. I want you to know that if it were not for the scholarship program, Kylie would not be there. It is through this program that Kylie is able to receive OT for her sensory issues, as well as be enrolled in their toddler class. This is where she can utilized the skills that she learns in OT, and it gives her the opportunity to interact with peers and further develop her social skills and overcome her anxieties.

WOW...all of that in one place! I know, it sure is amazing!

So will you help? Will you donate to the Britain Center on behalf of Kylie?

If this sounds like something you would like to do...click here to link to Kylie's page.

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