Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Red Alert!

Hey everyone, we just got a call about 2 hrs ago that Kylie's VEEG scheduled for March 22, 2010 got bumped up to Tomorrow at 10am. We are glad that it got bumped, but so not ready for tomorrow morning. Lots of "OMG, are we really ready for this?", and stress, and lots of crazy emotions (not just mama, but dada too), and what to bring, and many other thoughts and stuff scattering about in our heads right now...the thoughts alone are exhausting. I totally reall like I am running in circles right now.

So please please pray that the odd head stuff that we have been seeing for over a month now happens a few times during the 24hrs that she is hooked up. That way we can say okay, that is what we are concerned about and they can tell us if there was any abnormal brain activity during that time. We need to know what this stuff is or isn't. There are some days when Kylie does not do it at all, and other days where we see it a handful of times...so far today, nothing.

K, I need to get back to figuring out what we need, what can't be packed until after bedtime tonight, and then after morning time tomorrow.

Prayers are appreciated....prayers for Kylie to be so brave and strong, and prayers for mama and dada to be strong for Kylie and each other.

1 comment:

JSmith5780 said...

Good luck today. I hope you are able to capture what Kylie is doing so you can figure out what is going on. Keep us posted!


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