Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Who do you wear Purple for?

We wear purple for about you?

Every year we try to see how many people we can get to wear purple for Kylie and all of her friends with Epilepsy, especially those that have shared the IS (Infantile Spasms) diagnosis.  Purple Day is coming up (Tuesday, March 26th), so start digging through your closets for something purple to wear for our girl!

Purple Day is a day to draw awareness to epilepsy, and what better way to do that than through these beautiful faces in the video below.  The video was made by a fellow IS momma, and I am sad to say that some of these sweet children have earned their angel wings since the video was made in November 2012. 

Please wear your purple for Kylie and send me your pics so I we can have a Purple Party on the blog! You can find my email by clicking on the profile or you can send them to me via FB. Thanks for your support and we look forward to seeing lots of Purple.

Mark it on your calendars, Tuesday, March 26th is Purple Day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful picture! Thanks for sharing that video and for linking up. Heather


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