Sunday, October 4, 2009

Hodge podge

Wish there was something big and fun to post, but there really isn't. It's kinda nice have a bit of normalness to life right now. Kylie is so big, and wow does she just go go go! She is so darn happy and very interested in pretty much a little explorer out on expedition all the time :)

She has recently started going through her diaper bag and just taking everything out. She does the same with her toys downstairs. We recently got some ottomans that serve as storage, so we use them for her toys in the family room. So needless to say, she has not gotten the bits of my personality of having things all picked up and in She likes to do laps around the love idea why, but it is cute. She absolutely loves when we chase her, and the we go "BUZZ" when we get her, and she cracks up, and we just keep going until we get tired.

She loves to read books too. She will go grab her books and throw them on the floor and now she will bring us a book to read to her....her not so subtle way of doing this is by throwing them as she walks over to us :)

Matt has taken her to one of his favorite places Bass Pro Shops on several occassions to give me a bit of break sometimes in the evenings, and he lets her push the stroller or just walk around following him up and own the aisles. He took a little video on his cell, it is so cute!

I have no idea why, but for some reason this silly girl of ours likes to put her mouth on the windows and just goober them up. She was preparing to do this on the sliding glass door, so Matt hopped outside with the camera to catch a few pics. Oh my goodness, she just cracks us up!

This pic is one that will melt your heart. It has been getting kinda cool outside here, calling for more than just a hoodie on some days. Here is Kylie all ready to go outside and play in her hat and coat. Just look at those eyes and cheeks! This is why I love hugging her and giving her kisses so much..she is too cute not to :)

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