Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Super Hero Doc Ready to Dance in the Parade

I guess every year, the Royals donate tickets to Kylie's school, so families of children with Special Needs can attend a game with a group of their peers, or may not otherwise be able to afford the cost.  We selected a game to go to, and Kylie had a great time there.  She even talked to the director of her school for a moment or two.  I remember the director saying "She seems so happy!"  I of course replied that this is how she always is, she just rarely shows it for others to see :)



Of course, a "cheese" pic!

The Royals now have a drum line too, and we were pretty close to where they played, and that was too much noise for our girl.  We just kept talking about all different things to help redirect her focus on something else.  It kinda worked.  I didn't get a picture, but Slugger (Royals mascot) had run by and he came right up to Kylie and put out his paw, and Kylie gave him a high five!  That was so huge for her to do that...all her friends parents and the director looked over like "OMG, I can't believe she did it!"

Okay, so this isn't the happiest pic of Kylie...she was not up for me taking some pics, but I really wanted to post one of this dress I made her.  She looked so cute in it too!

Kylie's school had it's 40th Annual Celebration, so we attended it for a bit.  They had face painting, and photo booth, and live music, and refreshments for all students and their families.  Kylie loves Funky Mama, and it just so happened to be Funky Mama's birthday that day, so we go her a card and Kylie gave it to her...woohoo for Kylie!  Even though she loves when Funky Mama performs, she will often just dance at home and not so much when she sees her.  Bribery works great, so look who we got to dance a bit to her favorite singer!

Kylie's last visit at her Developmental & Behavioral apptmt was horrific.  I honestly never heard her scream that way before, and it was tough on both of us.  They were just trying to get her height and weight, but we had not done that in the whole time we were coming here (about a year), so she couldn't accept that it can be done at this office too.  We made a couple visits just for height and weight to be checked, to help desensitize her again.  I learned that generalizing, often improves after doing this at 3-5 different places.  She can do just great at her ped's office...she knows that they always do that there, so she can accept that better.  So once we keep doing it every office we visit, we should see more improvement and less anxiety.  Here are some pics I got of one of our desensitizing visit:

Getting her weight...she was not so comfortable, which is why her hands are up on her head, but no tears so that is great!

Still not so thrilled, but once tears!

Look at that, almost a smile getting her blood pressure checked!

I think our church offered up some great therapy for Kylie.  We walked in the Shawnee parade, and Kylie had a job of passing out candy to the kids.  It's funny, because she feels more safe when she doesn't know expectations, I guess.  She did outstanding and loved it!  Having a job to do can also really help, along with the active was quite the workout for all of us to walk in the parade.  She was a great little helper too, she wouldn't just pass the candy out, but she often put it right in their hand, and she didn't want to leave anyone out.  We often had to tell her okay Kylie, let's go catch up with our church now :)

I think this was the evening after being in the parade.  After bath time, Kylie hopped on Matt's back to watch a little TV with him, before going to bed. So cute!

One of Kylie's friend's had a super hero birthday party, and it was just so cute because they had personalized capes for all of the kids and they just loved it all! 

Here's a shot of all the kids planning to save the city.  Don't you like that backdrop too?  I helped make it :)  It was a really cute party, and lots of glad we got to go!

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